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Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Warren Buffett Tap-Dancing?

If you are in need of a little inspiration in your work or in your investments (which in a way is also work), listening to Warren Buffett, only the greatest investor of all time, might perk you up.  He is a pretty funny guy (for more humour, check out his letter to his investors at Berkshire Hathaway.)

For me, the most memorable bit I still can recall, despite having watched this video years ago, is the following:
"If you think of the difference between me and you, we wear the same clothes basically (SunTrust gives me mine), we eat similar food—we all go to McDonald’s or better yet, Dairy Queen, and we live in a house that is warm in winter and cool in summer. We watch the Nebraska (football) game on big screen TV. You see it the same way I see it. We do everything the same—our lives are not that different. The only thing we do is we travel differently. What can I do that you can’t do?"
Seems strange that when compared to the among the richest man in the world, our lives really aren't that different. He still stays in the same house before he got rich, he doesn't drive like a Lamborghini or anything like that (it's a Cadillac DTS), and he only switched to private jet because he got harassed on commercial planes. I like how he says he "still tap-dances to work every day".

For those more inclined to reading, please find the transcript here.

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